NFT Story Cards

NFT Story Cards are a unique digital collectable card that utilises the WAX Blockchain to not only prove ones ownership of their story, but also enables them access into new parts and paths.

NFT Story Cards

NFT story cards

Technology:  WAX Blockchain

Industry:  eCommerce, Gaming

Platform:  NFT Marketplace

Segment:  Collectables

Wallet:  Wax Cloud Wallet

More than $2 billion was spent on non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, during the first quarter of 2021 — representing an increase of about 2,100% from Q4 2020. The Non-Fun- gible Token (NFT) is a trending platform globally, and millions of users have moved forward in gaining some exposure in the trade market. The NFT Marketplace solutions bring users a mind-blowing platform to buy and sell their NFTs. The NFT growth is estimated to rise by 100% more in 2021 than the previous year, and its value has never fluctuated with significant differences in the marketplace.
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